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Saving, exporting and re-importing of data with FSSPWhen growth of bacteria and/or shelf-life of food has been predicted it is often useful to save the data and predictions e.g. for later documentation or if data are to be send to colleagues. To save temperature profile data, bacterial growth data and/or shelf-life data the FSSP software can generate Csv files (*.csv), txt files (*.txt)and Xml files (*.xml). In addition graphs produced by FSSP can be saved as Portable Network Graphics (png) files.When clicking on
The option 'Csv files (*.csv)' allows (i) the temperature profile, (ii) predicted growth (iii) predicted remaining shelf-life or histamine formation and (iv) product characteristics to be saved in an csv-file that can easily be opened and read by a spreadsheet. The option 'txt files (*.txt)' allows (i) the temperature profile, (ii) predicted growth, (iii) predicted remaining shelf-life and (iv) product characteristics to be saved in an ASCII file. Open e.g. the file 'Save-ASCII-1.txt' to see the format of the saved ASCII file. ASCII files saved in this way may allow data from FSSP to be used by other software. In addition FSSP can re-import temperature profile data saved as ASCII files.
The option 'Xml files (*.xml)' allows (i) the temperature profile, (ii) predicted growth (iii) predicted remaining shelf-life and (iv) product characteristics to be saved in an XML file. FSSP can re-import all the information saved in XML files. This can be useful when FSSP e.g. is applied in teaching sessions where examples with prediction of bacterial growth and/or shelf-life of food under specific conditions can be prepared in advance and just need to be uploaded as an XML file during the session.
Finally predictions from FSSP can be saved as graphs. All graphs have a
top bar including the