Food Spoilage and Safety Predictor (FSSP)

Food Spoilage & Safety Predictor (FSSP)

Downloading FSSP for Windows

FSSP was developed using the Microsoft .Net 4.0 environment. This means that in order to run the application you must have the .Net 4.0 runtime environment installed on your computer. If the .Net 4.0 framework is not already present on your PC you then need to download and install the .Net 4.0 runtime environment. A link to the ,Net 4.0 installer is given below:

The FSSP application is downloaded as a MSI installation file. This file should be downloaded and then executed. You may require administrator rights on your computer to execute the MSI installation file. Once executed the MSI installation file will walk you through the installation process. The application will be installed at the specified location, a desktop shortcut to the application will be created and the FSSP application will be inserted into your programs list.

  • Microsoft .Net runtime environment. Download from Microsoft Website (48.1 MB)
  • FSSP installation file for Windows. Download (20.8 MB)

For FSSP v. 4.0 to operate appropriately your PC must use:

  • A screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
  • The Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.0
  • Windows Vista SP2 or above (including Windows 7.0, 8.0 or 8.1)
  • Microsoft Explorer version 7.0 or higher
FSSP articles